Since in our latest live tutorial we talked about fabrics and the differences between them, a lot of you mommas told us that you're looking for the perfect summer blend.
So let's take a ride through the 3 types of fabric we recommend for a cool and comfy babywearing experience in the hot days of summer. :)
We really get why silk is the first summer option for so many parents around the world. Besides the beautiful surface of the fabric, its luxurious and elegant look, silk is amazing in summer for a couple of good reasons:
it's the lightest fabric among all 3 we're gonna talk about today
it has a very cool feel to it
althought it's thin, it's very supportive – it can carry 10 times the weight of a cotton fabric
it's perfect if you want to style your ring sling, for example, in a chic, elegant outfit, for a special ocasion, without adding too much weight and layers to it; you, your baby and your silk carrier will definitely shine among everyone else
Careful though:
silk is a high-maintenance fabric, so be careful to handwash (or machine washed on a delicate cycle with no spin) and hang it dry, but keep it away from the sun, because it can cause discoloration
because it's a more luxurious fabric, silk is more expensive than cotton, for example
whenever silk is wet, it becomes fragile and it breaks easily, so make sure you use the silk carrier only after it's completely dry
Our silk ring slings are made out of 2 layers of 100% natural Dupioni silk and we recommend them for babies weighing from 3.5 to 15 kilos.
2. Cotton
Cotton is the most common babywearing fabric, and it works well both in summer or colder seasons, depending on the fabric's gsm (grams per square meter).
We like it because:
it's a low-maintenance fabric, it's easy to wash and care for
it's the softest fabric and the easiest to break in – it doesn't need very much effort before using
it's less expensive, compared to the other fabrics
it's the best fabric for babywearing beginners
For summer wear, smaller babies can be carried in a 235-240 gsm carrier and for bigger babies (toddlers), 290-300 gsm will work just fine (it might be a little warmer, but you need the support).
As for our best summer fabrics, we'd recommend Matrioska – Babalaika, the coolest cotton fabric we have, Forest and Peacock.
3. Linen

Well, the second most common fabric after cotton, linen is made out of flax and it's a lot sturdier than cotton.
Why is it a perfect choice for summer?
It doesn't retain heat, so you will really enjoy the “air conditioning” feel it brings to the carrier
It has a light and very airy feel to it
It's a very supportive fabric and will carry the weight better than cotton (even 5 times more)
Careful though:
Linen will shrink and wrinkle more than cotton, so make sure you iron it while it's still a little wet
It's not as smooth as cotton and it will need a little more effort to break in
So these are pretty much the basics when it comes to choosing the fabric that will hug you and your baby this summer. Make sure to share this with other mommas who need advice and enjoy the sun! :)